
David Byrne - Grown Backwards - Nonesuch 7559-79826-2

This album has the same light, lilting feel of Look Into The Eyeball but he's developed the sound with string arrangements. In other hands, these might have slowed the songs down and made them seem ponderous but he's wisely limited the number of instruments and the sound is fresh and jaunty and sits well with his voice. However, the inclusion of two arias, one with Rufus Wainwright, was a big mistake. Presumably he was led into it by having a few classical musicians knocking around after they finished recording the other songs, but neither he nor Rufus have got the voice for opera. I'm afraid I skip those two tracks. Also on this album is a remix - with strings, of course - of his dance track Lazy, issued a while ago with X-press2/Muzikium. He gets away with that.

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