
Jolie Holland - Escondida - Anti 6692-2

Got turned onto Jolie Holland by Dad's "Radio Sandy Beach". After hearing 'Do You?', I knew exactly what I'd be getting from her. A great modern blues and slightly jazzy album for those quiet nights and days where all you want is something....well....quiet.

There's nothing exactly revolutionary here, but if that's what you expected then you're listening to the wrong kind of music. Holland writes great songs that you can gently sway and think to, and that are occassionaly pretty moving; 'Damn Shame' and the aforementioned 'Do You?' are fairly direct if soft loving laments. The former in particular uses Holland's voice accompanied by just a piano.

So there we go; a great slow bluesy album to experience, each song laced with Holland's whispy, soft vocals. Also worth noting that her occassional vitriol in some songs by using words we hope she didnt learn in Sunday school make this more than simple background music.

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