
Imogen Heap - Speak for Yourself - Megaphonic 001

Belonging to a generation where listening to solo female singers is viewed as best left to those of a Dad rock persuasion (although obviously not my Dad) thanks principally to Dido, whilst browsing through my iTunes this Sunday afternoon I was surprised to see the last three albums added were all exactly that. Along with offerings by Natacha Atlas and Jem, I remembered Imogen Heap’s album, Speak for Yourself. Her second solo album (when not singing with Frou Frou) released this year is simply put, essential Autumnal listening.

Catchy but not overtly poppy, and with an ethereal tone that becomes addictive, this album is a small wonder. Electronic in tone, Heap’s vocals draw you in and allow you to see the beauty around you as you walk down a leaf strewn lane to your Post-Communist Russia seminar. Whilst an album that never truly settles in one groove, it flows in the way all albums should. Try to opener Headlock or Goodnight & Go to be convinced.

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