
Jolie Holland - Springtime Can Kill You - ANTI 86788-2

I thought the enigmatic RS would have reviewed this as he’s a big fan of Ms Holland and introduced me to her music but he’s clearly too busy reliving his mis-spent youth. Musically, that is. For newcomers, I suppose I should start with her voice, which I know some find irritating. The unkind might describe it as fey or overly winsome but you could equally describe it as beguiling and, anyway, if you feel her voice lacks substance, the songs more than make up for it.

The first track, Crush In The Ghetto, is a pop ballad describing how her neighbourhood seems to be transformed after a night with new lover. There is one dubious line about ants and pants, but we’ll pass over that. At the other end of the affair, Please Don’t ends with the line “don’t tell ’em what you know about me,” a common fear at the end of intimacy and neatly summed up. In between, she swings from blues to country through jazz, with a variety of accompaniment from baritone horn to cello. It’s a feast.

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