Can I apologise for doing this straight away. Sorry. I bought this album 30 minutes after seeing it performed live in one of the best concerts of my life. Springsteen and his 17 strong Seeger Sessions band live at St Lukes in East London in front of 200 people for a BBC recording. They were sensational. The album, his latest tribute to the american working man, is traditional US folk songs in honour of Pete Seeger. The band are tighter than a banjo string and perform the whole thing (on disc as well as live I must add) with what comes over as real spontaneity and joy. A great horn section, violins, accordians and much else. It all has a strong Louisiana twist and I defy anyone not to join in, if only with a tapping toe. Far better, pour a large JD, fire up the barbie and holler along with the bluegrass spirit. For those of us who were there at the beginning it's been a great journey from Asbury Park via Thunder Road, The River, and Nebraska, passing The Ghost of Tom Joad to The Rising and now this. And on this form, plenty more to come. If you want to see or hear the concert it's on Radio 2 on Saturday evening (May 13th - available worldwide via the BBC RadioPlayer) or on BBC4 on Friday 19th or BBC 2 Saturday 20th. Set your recorders...
(The TV picture will be better than my phone cam...)
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