In the early 1990s, Lonnie Smith started recording for Japanese labels, initially by being the centrepiece of bands put together in the studio and given a session name, rather than Lonnie’s. This was the second, recorded in August 1992, and originally issued by Paddlewheel under the name and title of
Secret Agent Men. It’s now been reissued in America under the name of Akira Tana, the well-known Californian drummer.
I adore this album. As the title suggests, it’s made up of songs, mostly film & TV themes, about spies; the exception being
In The Heat Of The Night.
Mission Impossible, The Guardsman, It’s Probably Me, Charade, From Russia With Love plus the totally unexpected theme from the Alfred Hitchcock TV series. The CD ends with a suite of five originals called
Fictitious Soundtracks from ‘Tough Guy’, one by each of the band. And they do all sound like exciting soundtrack material.
Bob Kenmotsu, another Californian, is on tenor; Rodney Jones on guitar; and Rufus Reid is on bass -