
Lambchop - Awcmon/Noyoucmon - Merge B00019G428

Two albums here, the result of a spell spent honing his song writing skills by band leader Kurt Wagner. His singing voice is in the same league as Tom Waits and Leonard Cohen and the first album has many of the musings about life over a languid piano backing that he produced for Is A Woman. On the second, the songs are more developed musically and less laid-back.

On both albums, though, are some really cheesy instrumental tracks, which I suppose provide light relief but what serious musician bothers about light relief when he’s got something to say? Perhaps we should be grateful. Take out the instrumentals and you’d be left with one good album, albeit something of a “grower” as Lambchop never hits you between the eyes. Definitely haunting and not in a good way.

1 comment:

Richard Sambrook said...

I agree. I find Lambchop perplexing. One or two tracks on Nixon were brilliant - the rest, so-so. I bought this with high hopes from some great reviews, but I can't get past the cheesy stuff.